History of the Georgia Coroners Association
A.R. King was the dedicated career Coroner of Bibb County. It was A.R. who called fellow Coroner around the state in the late 1970's and suggested that they form an association. It would not be an exaggeration to say the he is the father of the GCA.
Harry Pippin was just as dedicated to the citizens of Lamar county as their Coroner for many terms. Harry was one of the Coroners who helped A.R. get the Georgia Coroners Association started. Harry was instrumental in implementing the educational aspects of the GCA. He was also a charter member of the Training Council.
The Purpose for which this organization has been formed are:
- To secure a closer official and personal relationship among Coroners and Deputy Coroners
- To secure unity of action in matters relating to the Coroner's duties
- To elevate the standards of the Office of Coroner in each County
- To promote the adoption of more scientific methods for detection of crime
- To recommend desirable changes in the present state statutes relating to the duties of the Office of Coroner and to promote legislation which is deemed desirable.
- To foster good cooperation between Coroners and other Law Enforcement Officials.
- To promote a better understanding wit the public respecting the nature of services rendered by Coroners of the State of Georgia